cherry door

August 27, 2010

another picture of the kitchen cabinet door

what I found when I removed the kitchen counter
not sure what it is.
It might be glue.

stairway to light

August 21, 2010

old vine around an older (dead) tree
Newbury, Mass

cherry floor door

August 20, 2010

cabinet door in kitchen,
made from old cherry flooring

the frame is made of cherry from Hubbard Park

a tree grows in brooklyn

August 13, 2010

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dry fit of our kitchen ‘island’

note the golden dome in the back of the truck,
no sign of Ceres

fat in the frying pan

August 8, 2010

water and fat in the pan
August, 2010

good morning, sunshine

August 4, 2010

happy face person perches in our jade plant

after painting the snake shelf two shades of green
and ripping a lot of cherry,
the red is cherry dust in the grooves

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