images for tile project

February 27, 2011

pieces for drunkard’s path

February 27, 2011

new shelf

February 23, 2011

need a name for this one…..

thought trains and pain

February 12, 2011

at the end of every train of thought…
a homeless man, a broken person
someone wounded, unfixable —
and me, standing there, loving
yet unable

but this is yet to be proven
and thoughts don’t run on trains
and you fear your power and glory
as much as your weakness and shame

they are there — they were and they are
and yet there is more
and you will not discover it (uncover it)
until you discover it (uncover it)

call it a train or a tree or a
branching matrix of pain — yet
it is not all pain and even the
the pain is a part of it —
it comes with the territory
but does not define it.

John Ruskin on a cigar box

February 11, 2011

John Ruskin’s image in use to sell cigars….
Gandhi would not be amused….

yellow wall

February 3, 2011

wall at Carney’s January, 2010